How to Create Facebook Business Account

Last updated on 6th May 2024 • 7 min read

Creating an ad account on Facebook is simple. Log in to your Facebook account, visit the Ads Manager dashboard, and click "Ad Accounts." Then, select "Add" to create a new ad account. Follow the prompts to provide basic business information and agree to Facebook's advertising terms. If required, verify your identity and set up a payment method. Once done, your ad account is ready to use. With it, you can create, manage, and track advertising campaigns tailored to your target audience, helping you reach potential customers effectively on the world's largest social media platform.

How to Create a Facebook Business Account

Introduction to Facebook Business Account

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, having a strong presence on social media platforms is imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive market. Among the plethora of social media channels, Facebook remains a powerhouse, boasting over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. Utilizing Facebook's extensive reach and robust advertising tools can significantly enhance brand visibility, engage with target audiences, and drive conversions.

At the core of leveraging Facebook for business purposes lies the Facebook Business Account, a centralized hub where businesses can manage their presence, create and run ads, and analyze performance metrics. Complementing the Business Account is the Facebook Business Manager, an advanced platform designed for businesses to efficiently manage multiple pages, ad accounts, and team members from a single interface.

Setting Up Your Facebook Business Account

Before diving into the intricacies of Facebook Business Manager, it's essential to set up your Facebook Business Account. Fortunately, the process is straightforward and requires minimal prerequisites. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Log in to Your Personal Facebook Account: Begin by logging in to your existing personal Facebook account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create it before proceeding further.

  2. Navigate to Business Settings: Once logged in, locate the "Business Settings" option either through the drop-down menu or by visiting

  3. Create a New Business Account: Click on "Create Account" and follow the prompts to enter your business details, including the name, address, and contact information. Ensure the accuracy of the information provided, as it will represent your business identity on Facebook.

  4. Verify Your Business: Depending on your business type and location, Facebook may require additional verification steps to confirm the authenticity of your business. Follow the provided instructions to complete the verification process.

  5. Agree to Terms and Conditions: Review Facebook's terms and conditions for business accounts and accept them to finalize the creation of your Facebook Business Account.

Congratulations! You've successfully set up your Facebook Business Account, laying the groundwork for establishing a robust online presence for your business.

Creating a Business Manager Account on Facebook

While a Facebook Business Account enables you to manage your business's presence on the platform, the Business Manager offers enhanced functionalities for businesses with multiple assets and team members. Here's how to create a Business Manager account:

  1. Access Business Manager: Visit and log in with your personal Facebook credentials.

  2. Initiate Business Manager Setup: Upon logging in, you'll be prompted to set up your Business Manager account. Click on the "Create Account" button to begin the process.

  3. Enter Business Details: Fill out the required fields with accurate information about your business, including the business name, your name, and business email address.

  4. Add Your Facebook Business Account: Link your existing Facebook Business Account to the Business Manager by entering the associated business ID.

  5. Confirm Business Details: Review the information provided and ensure its accuracy before proceeding. Once confirmed, click on the "Submit" button to create your Business Manager account.

Upon successfully setting up your Facebook Business Manager account, you'll gain access to a comprehensive dashboard equipped with a myriad of tools and features tailored to streamline your business's digital marketing efforts. Here's a brief overview of what you can expect:

  1. Dashboard Overview: The Business Manager dashboard serves as the central command center for managing all aspects of your business's presence on Facebook. From here, you can access various tools, including ad accounts, pages, and user permissions.

  2. Key Features and Tools: Explore the plethora of features and tools available within the Business Manager, such as Ad Accounts, Pages, Pixels, Catalogs, and more. Each tool is designed to facilitate specific marketing objectives, allowing you to tailor your strategies according to your business goals.

How to Create a Facebook Business Manager Account

Creating a Facebook Business Manager account from scratch offers businesses greater control and flexibility over their digital marketing endeavors. Follow these steps to set up a Business Manager account:

  1. Visit Business Manager Settings: Access the Business Manager settings by logging in to and navigating to the "Business Settings" section.

  2. Initiate Business Manager Setup: Click on the "Add New" button under the "Business Manager" tab to begin the setup process.

  3. Enter Business Details: Provide essential information about your business, including the business name, address, and contact details.

  4. Confirm Business Ownership: Verify your ownership of the business by providing the necessary documentation or through other verification methods as required by Facebook.

  5. Complete Setup: Review the information provided, agree to Facebook's terms and conditions, and finalize the setup to create your Business Manager account.

Setting Up Your Business Ads Account on Facebook

With your Facebook Business Manager account in place, it's time to set up your business ads account to kickstart your advertising campaigns. Follow these steps to create your ads account:

  1. Access Ad Accounts: Navigate to the "Ad Accounts" section within the Business Manager dashboard.

  2. Create a New Ad Account: Click on the "Add" button and select "Create a New Ad Account" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Enter Account Details: Provide relevant details for your ad account, including the account name, currency, and time zone.

  4. Set Account Permissions: Assign appropriate permissions to users within your organization who will be managing the ad account.

  5. Confirm and Create: Review the information provided, agree to the terms of service, and click on the "Create Ad Account" button to finalize the setup.

Managing Your Facebook Business and Ads Accounts

Effectively managing your Facebook Business and Ads accounts is crucial for maximizing your digital marketing efforts. Here are some tips for efficient account management:

Certainly! Efficiently managing your Facebook Business and Ads accounts involves more than just setting them up. Here's an expanded explanation on managing these accounts effectively:

Adding Users and Assigning Roles

One of the key aspects of managing your Facebook Business and Ads accounts is delegating responsibilities to team members and controlling their access levels. The "People" section within the Business Manager allows you to add users and assign specific roles tailored to their responsibilities and level of involvement in your advertising campaigns. Here's how you can effectively utilize this feature:

  1. User Roles: Facebook offers a range of predefined roles, each with different levels of access and permissions. These roles include Admin, Editor, Advertiser, and Analyst, among others. Assign roles based on the tasks individuals will be responsible for within the Business Manager.

  2. Access Control: By assigning roles, you can control who has access to specific features and tools within the Business Manager. For example, an Admin has full control over all aspects of the account, while an Analyst may only have access to view insights and performance metrics.

  3. Collaboration: Adding team members to your Business Manager promotes collaboration and streamlines workflow processes. With clearly defined roles and permissions, team members can focus on their respective tasks without the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

  4. Training and Support: Provide adequate training and support to team members to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities within the Business Manager. Regular updates and communication regarding changes to account settings or procedures can help maintain efficiency and alignment within the team.

Organizing Multiple Ad Accounts

For businesses managing multiple ad accounts, organizing them effectively is essential for maintaining clarity, efficiency, and campaign effectiveness. Here's how you can organize your ad accounts within the Business Manager:

  1. Campaign Objectives: Group ad accounts based on campaign objectives or marketing initiatives. For example, you may have separate ad accounts for brand awareness campaigns, lead generation, or product promotions.

  2. Business Divisions or Units: If your business operates in multiple divisions or units, consider organizing ad accounts accordingly. This approach ensures that each division has autonomy over its advertising strategies while maintaining centralized control through the Business Manager.

  3. Geographical Locations: For businesses with a global or regional presence, organizing ad accounts based on geographical locations can help tailor advertising campaigns to specific audiences and market dynamics.

  4. Budget Allocation: Allocate budgets to each ad account based on campaign priorities and performance objectives. This allows for better control over spending and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently across different campaigns or business units.

  5. Naming Conventions: Implement a standardized naming convention for ad accounts, campaigns, and ad sets to facilitate easy identification and tracking. Consistency in naming conventions simplifies reporting and analysis, making it easier to evaluate the performance of individual campaigns or ad sets.

By strategically organizing your ad accounts within the Business Manager, you can streamline campaign management, optimize resource allocation, and drive better results across your advertising initiatives. Regularly review and refine your organizational structure to adapt to evolving business needs and marketing objectives.

Effective management of your Facebook Business and Ads accounts involves not only understanding the tools and features available but also implementing best practices for collaboration, organization, and optimization. By leveraging the full capabilities of the Business Manager and adopting a strategic approach to account management, you can maximize the impact of your digital marketing efforts and achieve your business objectives efficiently.


In conclusion, creating and managing a Facebook Business Account and leveraging the powerful tools offered by the Business Manager can significantly enhance your business's online presence and drive measurable results. By following the step-by-step guidelines outlined in this article, you can navigate the intricacies of setting up and managing your Facebook assets with confidence. Embrace the opportunities presented by Facebook's expansive reach and sophisticated advertising platform to propel your business towards sustained growth and success in the digital age.

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Basics of Facebook Advertising


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a personal Facebook account to create a Facebook Business Account?


Yes, you need a personal account to set up and manage your Facebook Business Account.

Can I create multiple Facebook Business Accounts for different businesses?


No, Facebook's policies allow only one Business Account per person or business entity.

Is there a cost associated with creating a Facebook Business Account?


No, creating a Facebook Business Account is free of charge.

Can I convert my personal Facebook profile into a Business Account?


No, you cannot convert a personal profile into a Business Account. You must create a separate Business Account.

Are there any specific requirements for verifying my business on Facebook?


Yes, depending on your business type and location, Facebook may require additional verification steps for business authenticity.

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