Free Product Management Course to Build and Manage an Analytics Culture for Success

Learn how to build and manage an analytics culture with this free course. Boost your product management skills today.

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Learning Objectives

1. Embracing Data-Centric Decision-Making Strategies

Unlocking the potential of data-driven decision-making for enhanced operational efficiency and strategic agility in organizational frameworks.

2. Prioritizing Data Streams for Informed Decision-Making

Identifying and harnessing the most pertinent data sources critical for astute decision-making and strategic planning.

3. Optimizing Sales Targets Through Data Governance

Utilizing data governance to optimize sales targets by discerning sourcing reliability and classifying data sets for effective sales strategies.

4. Turbocharging Sales Strategy with Data Analysis

Meticulously mapping and categorizing disparate data sets to enhance sales strategies, emphasizing supply-demand dynamics for operational efficacy.

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Who's it for

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    Product Managers

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    Data Analysts

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    Sales Executives

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    Technology Professionals

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What will I learn

Chapter 1

Introduction to Decision-Making in Projects


This chapter introduces the central theme of the book, which revolves around the debate between using experience or data to drive decision-making processes in academic and professional projects. Various perspectives on the topic are discussed, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach that incorporates both experience and data.

Chapter 2

Cultivating a Data-Centric Culture


The speaker shares insights on fostering a culture that prioritizes data in decision-making. The chapter emphasizes the need for a strong understanding of individuals and subject matter to facilitate effective conversations. It sets the foundation for systematically mapping available information and distinguishing between essential data and supplementary knowledge.

Chapter 3

Prioritization in Product Management and Data Utilization


The concept of prioritization is explored, focusing on its significance in product management and data utilization. The chapter delves into the challenges of dealing with vast amounts of data and highlights the importance of identifying and prioritizing crucial data sources for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Chapter 4

Optimizing Sales Targets through Data Governance


This chapter delves into the role of data governance in optimizing sales targets efficiently. The speaker discusses the process of identifying key data sources within the sales cycle and navigating the balance between supply levels and demand incentives. The chapter emphasizes the importance of sourcing reliability and classifying data sets based on their impact on sales strategies.

Chapter 5

Strategic Data Analysis for Sales Strategy


A strategic approach to data analysis within the sales ecosystem is explored in this chapter. The speaker emphasizes the need for meticulous mapping of data sets and understanding their functional roles in optimizing operational effectiveness and commercial outcomes. The chapter aims to enhance the sales strategy by leveraging data insights effectively.

Chapter 6

Transition to Data-Driven Decision-Making in Technology and Business


The speaker reflects on their professional evolution within technology and business, highlighting a shift towards data-driven decision-making in digital advancements. The chapter emphasizes the use of analytics and numerical insights to guide strategic pivots and experimental iterations within organizational frameworks. The narrative showcases the importance of embracing data in driving organizational change.

Chapter 7

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning and Adaptability


This chapter focuses on the value of cultivating a culture of continuous learning and adaptability in the digital domain. The speaker shares experiences of navigating challenges and failures as opportunities for learning and growth. The narrative encourages organizations to embrace resilience and agility in evolving digital landscapes.

Chapter 8

Conclusion The Power of Data-Centric Decision-Making


The final chapter encapsulates the educational narrative presented in the book, emphasizing the transformative power of a data-centric approach in decision-making. It summarizes key strategies for organizations to enhance decision-making acumen, optimize sales targets, and thrive in dynamic digital environments. The chapter reinforces the significance of blending data analytics and experiential wisdom for operational efficiency and strategic success.

Meet your Mentor

growthschool-mentor-Jose Quispe

Jose Quispe

Senior Product Manager @ Motiontag

Jose Quispe is a Mentor at who has been serving since October 2023. Additionally, he is a Senior Product Manager at MOTIONTAG in Berlin, Germany, with over 2 years and 8 months of experience. His expertise in product management and mentoring makes him an invaluable resource for aspiring professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main pillars of Product Management?


The main pillars of Product Management are strategy, marketing, development, launch, and monitoring.

What is Product Management, and why is it important to learn about?


Product Management involves developing, launching, and managing products. It's crucial for understanding customer needs and market dynamics.

Is this Product Management course designed for corporate training and workforce upskilling?


Yes, the course is tailored for corporate training and helping professionals enhance their Product Management skills.

How long can I access the free product management course content?


You can access the free course content indefinitely once you enroll and complete the registration process.

Will I receive a certification upon completion of the free product management course?


Yes, a certification of completion will be provided to you after successfully finishing the free product management course.


Coming Soon




growthschool-mentor-Jose Quispe

Jose Quispe

Senior Product Manager @ Motiontag

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